Astral is a news services and resource for reliable information in astrology and the intuitive arts.
We post the best of what’s out there on the Internet about all things cosmic! That includes astrology, numerology, feng shui, psychic arts, tarot, and working with plants. That’s all about energy management and channeling information accurately and with good intention.
We do pay attention to science! There is much to learn from astronomy, physics, cellular biology, and more.
Why we do this:
Astral Pathways supports authentic personal growth and champions the use of attentive awareness to improve the well-being of individuals, families, business, community, and broader society.
Human decisions are guided in large part by desires, beliefs and fears, and karmic pathways. But our soul knows the pathways that will work best. It’s the ethereal side of our human beingness that propels us forward.
What seems unusual, irrational or unexpected is sometimes the very thing that opens the next doorway to success.